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Event Sponsorship

In 1975, from the proceeds of the first sedan chair race, Matilda International Hospital (MIH) set up a charity fund with the aim of raising money for the less fortunate members of Hong Kong’s community.


The Sedan Chair Race is affiliated with many multi-national corporations and leading Hong Kong companies. Their continued support has enabled the event to become one of the most popular and high profile community fundraisers in Hong Kong’s charity calendar.


Every year, we need a large amount of resources to run the annual Sedan Chair Race and Bazaar, it would be great if you can sponsor the event. You can sponsor us with either the following ways:


Event Co-sponsor

HK$ 130,000

Children’s Bazaar Sponsor

HK$ 80,000

Cash Sponsor – Diamond

HK$ 100,000

Cash Sponsor – Gold

HK$ 90,000

Cash Sponsor – Silver

HK$ 60,000

Cash Sponsor – Bronze

HK$ 30,000

Publicity/Printing Sponsor

HK$ 30,000

Trophy Sponsor (perpetual)
(Presented on Race Day/Cheque Presentation Ceremony
$38K upon joining and $18K annually thereafter)

HK$ 38,000

Kids T-shirt Sponsor

HK$ 60,000

Official T-shirt Sponsor

HK$ 60,000

Official Finisher’s T-shirt Sponsor
(presented to each competitor after the Race)

HK$ 60,000

Official Towel Sponsor
(Presented to each competitor after the Race)

HK$ 18,000

Sedan Chair Team Sponsor

HK$ 34,000+

Advertising in Event Programme

HK$ 7,000 up


*  in-kind sponsorship, negotiable

+ minimum donation accepted