Abundant Life Christian Church Family Links Social Services
The fund supports “Joyful Heart Project” for the children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD).
Against Child Abuse
The fund provides child friendly environment for new arrivals.
Bethune House Migrant Women's Refuge, Limited
The fund provides temporary shelter and aid.
The Child Development Centre
The fund supports family learning group for underprivileged Chinese children and their families.
China Coast Community Limited
The fund covers:
1) service fee for occupational therapy sessions for the residents of the China Coast Community
2) rehabus to take the Residents on 2 – 3 monthly outings
Christian Action Chungking Mansions Service Centre
The fund supports the Refugees and Asylum Seekers Supportive Program.
Christian Action - Domestic Helpers and Migrant Workers Programme
The fund supports the Domestic Helpers and Migrant Workers Programme to Kwa Wan Shelters.
Diabetes Hong Kong
The fund supports a Diabetic Complications Screening Programme.

Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired - (Ebenezer School)
The fund supports to design a Wall of Sense Facilitatior to utilize their campus to its fullest extent and offer chances for students to play and learn.

Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired - (Ebenezer New Hope School)
The fund helps to enhance seating posture and community integration for students with multiple visual, intellectual and physical disabilities.
Enlighten-Action for Epilepsy
The funds supports the CARE for the Carers' Programme.
EQ Ambassador Society Limited
The fund supports the Happy Faces in the Rainbow -- Psychosocial Program for bereaved children.
Families of SMA Charitable Trust
The fund provides high nutritional supplement for severely disabled SMA patients with swallowing & eating difficulties.
Glorious Praise Fellowship Hong Kong Ltd
The fund supports the Project Get Together to provide a tent for accommodation for dining, meetings, and church services.

Gracefield Education Limited
The fund supports children in the full day class who require more care and support because the parents are separated from the children or unable to look after them.
Growing Together
The fund supports SibShop Workshops to organize day camps & target for kids aged 5-18 with siblings who have special needs.
Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities
The fund supports the 2011 Project Youth Creation for Dyslexic Teenagers.
Hong Kong Kidney Foundation Limited
The fund supports the Automated Home Peritoneal Dialysis (AHPD) Machine Free Loan program.
Hong Kong PHAB Association
The fund supports Physical and Psychological Enhancement project for children and youth with physical handicap.
HOPE Worldwide Ltd
The fund supports the “Star Fish” Education Program for children who are from low-income families or who have witnessed domestic violence.
Inner City Ministries
The fund supports the running of South Asian Community Outreach Centre.
Joshua Hellmann Foundation
The fund supports the JHF Orphan Disease Diagnostic Testing Sponsorship Programme.
Joyful Mental Foundation
The fund supports Joyful art workshop for the Depressed. The workshop aims at providing arts education who suffered from depression and anxiety disorders.
Little Sister of the Poor
The fund supports the 2011 Renovation and Enhancement Program.
The Nesbitt Centre
The fund supports the expansion of the structured workplace learning program - to employ a full time job coach to work 35 hours per week for 1 year.
The Pathways Foundation Limited
The fund supports "Jump to the Stage" to develop performing art talents of SLD/ADHD children and teenagers from low income class through systematic and individualized teaching approach.
The Prisoners' Friends' Association
The fund provides supplemental funding of salaries for part-time employees and printing of newsletter that is distributed to all Hong Kong prisons.
Remar Association (Hong Kong) Ltd
The fund contributes to the supply of a transportation vehicle for their residents.
The Raleigh International (Hong Kong) Limited
The fund supports Raleigh Plan 2011 to inspire youth to explore their full potential through local and overseas voluntary services to achieve youth development in Hong Kong.
Riding for the Disabled Association Ltd
The fund contirbutes to the purchase of the horse equipment (i.e. bridles and saddles) for the RDA horses and ponies.
The Royal British Legion
The fund provides financial assistance for Ex-servicemen, their widows and dependents who have fallen on hard times.
St Barnabas Society and Home
The fund supports the Self-reliance Project for Street Sleepers – City Organic Farm.
Sarah Roe School PTA
The fund covers operational expenses for the provision of school bus service for Jockey Club Sarah Roe School and safety maintenance of the current school buses.
SoulTalk Foundation
The fund covers the cost of employing an experienced full time Social Worker.
The Springboard Project Limited
The fund supports an Integrated Life Skills Programme for Primary and Middle School Class.
The fund supports an Intergration for ALL - A Community Exploration and Integration Programme for moderate mentally challenged children.
Watchdog Early Education Centre
"Watchdog Ltd"
The fund contributes to provide scholarships for lower income families with special needs children.